After a gentle nudge from my seester-in-law, I’m back. (Hi Sarah!) Here are some pictures to hold you over… In the meantime, I need figure out where all the Christmas pictures that I took went. Here’s a recap of what we’ve been up to:

We traveled.

A lot. Like a lot, a lot.

Christmas at the cabin was better than I could have expected. Minus the mice.

Carter got spoiled rotten. Think lots of plastic, lots of toys and not enough batteries to run it all.

JD & I got spoiled. A pressure washer? Yes, Please. A sweet new Vera Bradley bag? Thankyouverymuch.

Got my first ever sick call from daycare. 103+ fever. Poor red cheeked buddy.

Carter got sick, I got sick and we missed a wedding. 😦

Watched the Badgers lose the rose bowl but the Packers make it into the playoffs.

Finally took down the Christmas tree!

Carter’s sick, I’m sick…again.

We’ve watched Toy Story 1, 2 & 3; Shrek and Nemo more times than I can count in the last 14 days.

Carter weighed in at 27.2 lbs this morning. I’m starting to think he’s going to be a heavy weight.

Cooper is going to be 9 this month. It’s hard to believe we’ve had him that long.

Next week will be filled with pictures and paragraphs, I promise!